I like the color of this polish – the pink is Suncoat #8, a cotton candy color. The white is, appropriately enough, #1, and the clear coat is #00. Last night I worked hard to make sure that all oils were off my nails, as water-based polish and oils do not mix. Unfortunately, it’s been rainy and somewhat humid here since late last night, and I think that probably added to my woes with this polish. That, and a hard brush that made it impossible to avoid streaks.
Water-based polish dries through evaporation, and basically “shrinks” onto your nail. The longer you wear it, the harder it gets to remove, which is why they recommend taking it off at least weekly. I think in my case, even though it felt hard and dry, it never actually dried all the way down.

It’s pretty polish, but far too complicated for someone like me (I shudder to think what might have happened had I tried to add rhinestones or other art items to it!). As it is, I’ll have to remove it tonight, and redo my nails…which I really don’t have time for, but I don’t trust this polish to wear well enough until next weekend.
So tonight I’ll try some Avon Speed Dry polish. I normally avoid speed dry at all costs, due to serious bubbling issues that normally plague me when polish dries too fast, but I can’t be waiting for polish to dry tonight – I have things to do! Stop by Thursday for my results (hopefully better)…
***Edited to say: I haven't had time for another manicure, so I'm still sporting this polish on my nails. It's wearing like a cheap drugstore polish, but doesn't look too bad if you don't look close. New manicure next week... ***
I don't blame you! That sounds like too much work. Interesting read about water based polish,though. I didn't know anything about them. Glad to have read your post.
Good God to much work for me! Do you have to worry each time you shower or wash your hands? How about washing your hair? Having to blow dry your nails sucks to me. Color is pretty but I will stick to regular polish.
I really think it's just the humidity here at the moment - I didn't have this problem last time (though that was a different brand too). Normally you shouldn't have to worry about water after they're dry. I think mine just didn't dry down all the way overnight.
All of this is really ironic, since I live in a basically arid climate most of the time...
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