Monday, May 11, 2009

Have You Ever Been Recognized... your nails?

This weekend, I was! I was out to dinner with my husband and his family, doing the Mother's Day thing, when I felt a tap on my shoulder. I turned around, and there was one of my online friends, who had been sitting behind me the whole time. She recognized me from my nails!

I was rather amused (as was my husband) - I guess my nails are a little bit famous! :-)

Anyone else had this happen to them?


Velvet said...

That's too funny! How nice too!

Brooke said...

No this hasn't happened to me, but what a surprise I'm sure you had! Sounds like fun :)

Lucy said...

Now that is a riot! Pretty neat. Hope you had a wonderful Mother's Day.

Jamie D. said...

It was okay, Lucy - I'm not a huge fan of "Hallmark Holidays", but hubby and I paid our respective respects to our mothers with a few pleasant hours.

Ironically, the holiday stuff pushed back all my normal Sunday chores, so I didn't get to do my weekly manicure last night (didn't get done with chores until 10pm - 11 if you count folding laundry).

So, manicure night tonight I have something to post for tomorrow's "deadline"! :-)

Joy said...

Ha! I was pretty sure it was you but I've gone up to people before and tapped them on the shoulder and have discovered they weren't who I had thought! So I'm sitting there craning my neck to get a peek at your nails and my husband hisses at me "OMG, what ARE you doing?!" and I said "Shuddup. I'll tell you in a second." ;)

~Sara~ said...

That is amazing and cool! Joy, you must be incredibly observant!